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Sedentary life style and incidence of cardiovascular diseases (CVDS) in urban human adults of Muzaffarpur (Bihar)

Nishi Rani*
Dept. of Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics, M.D.D.M.College, Muzaffarpur, B.R.A.B.University, Muzaffarpur.

Received 25th June, 2013; Revised 30th July, 2013

Abstract : Cardiovascular diseases are the number one cause of death globally, more people die annually from CVDs than from any other cause. An estimated 17.3 million people died from CVDs in 2008, representing 30% of all global deaths of these deaths, an estimated 7.3 million were due to coronary heart disease. By 2030, almost 25 million people will die from CVDs mainly from heart disease and stroke. These are projected to remain the single leading cause of death. The study has revealed that the sedentary life style, tobacco use harmful use of alcohol, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, higher BMI and Diabetes are the most important risk factors for cardiovascular diseases.

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