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Cyanobacterial abundance and diversity in rice field soil of Nalanda district

Satish Narain Lala, Sanjeev Ranjanb* & Pushkar Kumarb
aReader in Botany, Patna Science College, Patna
*bResearch Scholar, Patna University, Patna
Received 11th December, 2010; Revised 15th February, 2011

Abstract : Cyanobacteria represents an ancient group of photosynthetic prokaryotes, whose metabolic flexibility and adaptive adaptabilities have made them a subject of research worldwide. Their diversity ranges from unicellular to multicellular, coccoid to branched filaments, nearly colorless to intensely pigmented, autotrophic to phototrophic, psychrophilic to thermophilic, acidophilic to alkalophilic, planktonic to barophilic, fresh water to marine including hyper saline. They are found both free living and as a endosymbionts and capable of fixing atmospheric nitrogen. The present work deals with the distribution of Cyanobacetria in the Nalanda district of Bihar. Nalanda is one of the district of South Bihar and famous for Ancient Nalanda University (Center of Higher Learning in ancient India). The district lies between 25021 N to 85021 E with total geographical area 2367 sq. km. Soil samples from Biharsarif (Nalanda) recorded highest diversity and more than 10 form. Nostoc and Anabaena were found to be the dominant genera in all the locations. Our result suggests the need for practical utilization of theses organisms towards developing region specific inocula which can establish better in their niche and provide benefits to the crop.


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