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Need for conservation, enhancement and utilisation of medicinal and aromatic plants as natural pesticides in Jharkhand

Kunul Kandir*
Plant Taxonomy, Ethnobotany and Medicinal Plants Laboratory
University Department of Botany Ranchi University Ranchi, Jharkhand, India

Received 16th July 2007; Revised 29th August 2007

Abstract : Plants have always been an inevitable part of life and culture of the tribal people of Jharkhand. Hence, it is natural that all aspects of the folk life and belief of the people of this area have sufficient narration about plants and their parts. Many medicinal and aromatic plants are used by tribals of this area as botanical pesticides eg— Vitex negundo, (Sinduwar) Semecarpus anacardium, (Bhelwa) Pongamia Pinnata, (Karanj) Azadirachta indica, (Neem) Madhuca indica (Mahua) since very long time.

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