S.K. Gangwar* & N. Suryanarayana
Central Tasar Research & Training Institute, Piska-Nagri, Ranchi — 835 303, Jharkhand, India
Received 13th June 2007 ; Revised 19th August 2007
Abstract: Collective adverse impacts of biotic and abiotic factors produce visible symptoms on the plants in the form of reduction in plant height, number and size of branches/leaves and even drying of branches from tip downward die-back). Such multifarious symptoms are called disease syndrome or decline syndrome. Some of the agencies like moisture extremes, temperature extremes, nutrients disorders, anthracnose fungi and even certain insect pests act as predisposing factors making the plant weak and vulnerable to other factors. Some other agencies like Fire, Storm, defoliators, stem canker, and root/stem rot act as inciting factors and help the actual contributing factors to finally attack and develop the visible disease or decline syndrome symptoms. In the present paper a critical mechanism of disease syndrome on Tasar host plants viz,. Terminalia arjuna, T. tomentosa and Shorea robusta has been reviewed and discussed.
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