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The breeding habitat selection strategies of Baya weaverbird, Ploceus philippinus at Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, India

Paritosh Kumara* & K.K.Sharmaa
a*P.G.Department of Zoology, Jamshedpur Co-operative Collage, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand. India
Received 15th January, 2014; Revised 10th February, 2014

Abstract :A Study was conducted on the breeding biology with reference to the preference of the selection of breeding habitat at Jamshedpur in the year 2011. Observations on the ecological parameters involved in the selection of the preferred breeding sites in the study area. The study suggests that the male weaverbirds preferred most where the combined effect of the temperature and humidity is favourable for the breeding success of the bird species.

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