Shashi Prabha Agrawala, Vijay Laxmi Saxenab and Praghya Chaturvedc
aLecturer Deptt.of Zoology D.A.V. (PG) College Kanpur
bDeptt. of Zoology D.G. (PG) College Kanpur
cDeptt.of Bioinformatics D.G. (PG) College Kanpur
Received 22nd July, 2013; Revised 30th August, 2013
Abstract : Insecticides are agents of chemical or biological origin that control insects. Control may result from killing the insects or otherwise preventing it from engaging in behaviors deemed destructive. Insecticides may be natural or manmade. In prediction of toxicity , the use of in silico prediction methods such as QSAR (Qantitative Stuructural Activity Relationship) model is required or encouraged in order to increase efficiency and minimize the reliance on animal testing .In the present study prediction of 100 insecticides for mutagenicity are done with the help of T.E.S.T.(Toxicity Estimation software Tool, 4.1 version). In our study we have analyzed that out of 100 insecticides experimental value of mutagenicity is not available for 60 insecticides which are predicted by T.E.S.T. Out of 100 insecticides 27 showed positive mutagenicity and 40 negative mutagenicity. There are 4 insecticides whose mutagenicity is experimentally positive but predicted value is negative. further in our analysis we have observed that there are 3 insecticides whose mutagenicity is experimentally negative but predicted value is positive.
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