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Transmission and population dynamics of Xanthomonas campestris pv.oryzae in oryza sativa of Chaibasa district of Jharkhand

Anil Kumar & Priyanka Chatterjee
Department of Botany, Ranchi College, Ranchi.
Received :  21st June 2011Revised : 29th  August, 2011

Abstract : Transmission is an important means of carryover of Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae in infested villages of Chaibasa year after year in different cultivars of rice. These bacteria are usually found in leaves, stems and soil, but may also penetrate the endosperm. The bacterial population in infected lesions increase parallel to the maturation of the crop. Leaf lesions had higher bacterial numbers than those other region of the plant. There are three rice cvs. possess bacterial population in leaf lesion but the KRH-2 rice cv. had highest bacterial numbers in comparison to other two cvs. of rice Jurly and Swarna. Sometime infected seed did not give rise to infected seedlings, but did introduce the bacterium in to the soil and it may survive more at depth level of 2.5 cm to 7.5 cm X.c. pv. oryzae survives from June to January in plant part but after harvesting it survives only for 3 to 4 months in straw as well as in fallow soil of that field. The fallow soil and the straw after harvest of rice, responsible for secondary inoculum for infection.


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