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In-vitro study of antifungal activity of nickel (II) complex with phenylbiguanide and p-phenylenedibiguanide ligand against Aspergillus versicolor & Aspergillus niger

Madhu Kumari Gupta* & Alokita Kashyap
Department of Chemistry, Magadh Mahila College, Patna University, Bihar, India
Received : 15th October, 2021 ; Revised : 16th December, 2021

Abstract– In last two decades, it has been observed that many of the antimicrobial drugs became non-functional any more. In other words, one can say all of them are now inefficient to control microbial growth. In the 2nd wave of COVID – 19, many of the patients have been found infected with different fungi after defeating corona disease. This has resulted in taking out different organs in order to save the life of the patients. In this research, attention has been dragged towards biochemical activity of some complexes of biguanide derivatives to check its action towards antifungal activity of two common fungi of ascomycetes family. In the present research work, it was checked whether after complexation with transition metal nickel (II) do it has such properties or not. It was found that the complexes have a positive response against the growth of fungi Aspergillus versicolor and Aspergillus niger. Antifungal activity has been compared in PDA (Potato Dextrose Agar) and SDA (Sabourand and Dextrose Agar) media by disc dilution test method & mycelium growth inhibition was calculated. It was found that pphenyledibiguanide ligand complex was more effective than phenylbiguanide complex in both media.

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