Sanjay Kumar Hembrom*& Jyoti Kumar
P.G. Department of Botany, Ranchi University, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India
Received : 29th December, 2017 ; Revised : 19th February, 2018
Abstract : An ethnomedicinal survey was carried out in villages around Rajmahal hills of district Sahibganj,18 villages of different block were surveyed for the findings of climbers which were used for ethnomedicinal purposes and for the documentation of important climbers and information from local santhal community about their medicinal uses. The indigenous knowledge of local traditional uses was collected through questionnaire and personal interviews during field trips. Plants with their correct nomenclature were arranged by family name, vernacular name, part use, ethnomedicinal remedies and ethnomedicinal uses. The identification and nomenclature of the listed plants were based on The Flora of Bihar & Odhisa. A total of 33 plants species were identified by taxonomic description and locally by ethnomedicinal knowledge of people existing in the region. Plant specimens collected, identified, preserved and mounted were deposited in the university department of botany, Ranchi University.
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