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Quantitative estimation of carbohydrates in indigenous blue green algae from the wetlands of Bihar.

Ranjana Kumaria* & Sanjay Prasadb
*a Department of Botany,R.D.S.College,B.R.A.Bihar University,Muzaffarpur.
Received , 29th June, 2014; Revised: 21st July, 2014

Abstract: Concern over energy, the environment and natural resources, is increasing across the globe. Production of bio  fuels from less exploited resources is now emerging as a topic of intensive research. Biomass is an attractive feedstock, as it is a renewable resource that could be sustainably developed in the future. Algal biomass viewed as a simple, fast growing biomass has the potential to act as an excellent source of bio fuels. Bihar being rich in algal biodiversity, it is holding a massive potential of these resources for energy production. Utilization of algal biomass for bio ethanol production is an ecofriendly and sustainable approach for bio-fuel production. The present investigation exhibits the age dependent quantitative estimation of carbohydrates in four genera of blue green algae, viz; Eucapsis minuta, Anabaena laxa, Arthrospira platensis and Scytonema coactile, collected from wetlands of Muzaffarpur (Bihar).It was found that the amount of total intracellular carbohydrates have shown increasing tendency in all the four genera under investigation, during their exponential phase i;e up to 30 days in E.minuta and up to 25 days in A.laxa, A.platensis and S.coactile. The amount of carbohydrates gradually decreased in decline growth phase in all the four genera of blue green algae under investigation. The increase in the amount of carbohydrates in the exponential phase might be due to gradual accumulation of polysaccharides and decrease in the amount of carbohydrates in their decline growth phase might be the age influenced photosynthetic efficiency of organisms or might be due to cell autolysis.

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