Bijay S. Singha*, Ranveer Kumara & R. K. Singha
aDepartment of Applied Chemistry, Cambridge Institute of Technology,
Tatisilwai, Ranchi – 835103, Jhrkhand, India.
Received 2nd January, 2012; Revised 27th February, 2012
Abstract : The term Sustainable Development’ “a concept which draws on two frequently opposed intellectual traditions: one concerned with the limits which nature presents to human beings, the other with the potential for material development which is locked up in nature” . For this governments should integrate economic, social and environmental concerns in their policy making and to promote economic growth and international competitiveness of industry through macro economic policies. Industries play a critical role in technological innovations and research & development activities, which are crucial for the economic and social development of any country as well as in the development, diffusion and transfer of environmentally sound technologies and management techniques, which constitute a key element of sustainable development. Increasing environmental pollution pressures created by industrialization have had global, regional or local impacts. The overriding task facing the Governments is maximize the positive influence of industrial activities on economic & social development, while minimizing the negative impact of production and consumption on the environment.
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