Basant Narain Singha*, Prahrisht Kr.Singhb & Pankaj Kumarc
a*Department of Botany, S.M.D. Degree College M.N. Jalalpur, Gopalganj, J.P University, Chhapra-841503
bDept. of Botany, Dr. P.N Singh College, Chhapra.
cP.G. Dept of Biotechnology, T.M. Bhagalpur University, Bhagalpur.
Received 25th May, 2012; Revised 10th August, 2012
Abstract : Gopalganj is one of the North-West frontier district of Bihar with highly rich medicinal flora in riverian bed of Gandak. In our country, Domestic animals plays an important role in agricultural economy since ancient time. About 850 Plant Species are directly or indirectly associated with ethnoveterinary Practices (EVP)in India Jain (2004). The people of remote areas of “Diara” belt of river Gandak and many villages still depends upon plants for treatment of different veterinary ailments. Ethnoveterinary important plants have been utilized by the people of the district through the process of long Experiences being traditionally continued in many households till today
Key words: Ethrnoveterinary Practices, Domestic animals, Gopalganj, Rural People.
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