Pankaj kumar* & A. K. Roy
P. G. Department of Biotechnology, T. M. Bhagalpur University, Bhagalpur-812007,(Bihar)
Received 3rd January, 2011; Revised 10 February, 2011
Abstract : Litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) is a subtropical tree of the Sapindaceae family and other arillate plants,it is also deteriorated rapidly once excised.The first visual symptom of deterioration is skin browning which has been reported to appear due to polyphenol oxidase activity on anthocyanins resulting the production of brown coloured by-products. In the case of litchi var. Bedana an attempt has been made through the present investigation to inhibit browning for successful micropropagation. Activated charcoal and ascorbic acid were used separately for this but none of these was found to inhibit polyphenol oxidase activity.However,the combination of Ascorbic acid (160mg/l) and Citric acid (160mg/l) was noticed as an effective antioxidant to check enzymatic browning and also to intiate proliferation of cells and somatic embryo. Finally it was observed that excision and cutting of explants under an oxygenic condition and use of combination of ascorbic acid 160mg/l and citric acid 160mg/l with pre soaking in 200mg/l ascorbic acid and 200mg/l citric acid solution and frequent sub culturing can eliminate the browning and reduce the polyphenol oxidase enzyme activity of Litchi.
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