Amit Priyadarshia*, Amod Kumara & K.K. Pandeyb
aDepartment of Botany, Science College, Patna
b Department of Environmental Sciences, A.N. College, Patna
Received 21st June, 2009 ;Revised 13th August, 2009
Abstract : Acetone leaf extract of Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms was studied on the last instar larvae of Tribolium confusum infesting wheat. Prolongation of larval period and metamorphic irregularities such as larval-pupal intermediates, abnormal pupae, abnormal wing pattern in newly emerged adults etc.,were observed at lower doses. Absolute mortality of larvae was recorded at the highest dose. However, extract affected the developmental stages by acting as effective insect growth regulator. Insect Growth Regulators(IGRs) with juvenomimetic activity disrupt the normal life cycle resulting in the suppression of their population.
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