Braj Rani, V.N Singha*, Jitendra Kumar & Prabhakar Prasad Singhb
aDepartment of Zoology, T.M. Bhagalpur University, Bhagalpur, Bihar -812007
bMahadeo Singh College Bhagalpur, Bihar- 812002
Received 12th May,2009; Revised 29th August, 2009
Abstract:- Total activity of LDH is higher in the uterine fluid of mice from DAM-1 to DAM-7 than control. M/H ratio of LDH isozymes also maintain higher level in treated group of mice than control. However, this ratio sharply declines in control from DAM-1 and attains minimum level AT DAM- 7.
This suggest that M- isozymes of LDH predominate in the uterine fluid of neem treated mice than control during first day after mating (DAM-1) to seventh day after meeting (DAM-7). Increased activity of M- LDH (LDH-4 & LDH-5) leads to anaerobic condition by converting pyruvate into lactate in the uterine lumen of neem treated mice. These M-Isozymes provide low oxygen tension in the uterus which leads to various uterine dysfunction and promotes uterine contractility thus reducing receptivity of uterine attachment for growing blastocyst in the uterus unlike control. Thus in the neem oil treated mice uterine environment is not conducive for growth, development, implantation and survival of blastocyst that leads to termination of pregnancy.
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