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Conservation of traditional knowledge of Hazaribagh Wild Life Sanctuary, Hazaribagh District, Jharkhand, India

Manoranjan Kumar*& Jyoti kumar
University Department of Botany, Ranchi University, Ranchi

Received 29th June, 2009 ; Revised 30th August, 2009

Abstract : Hazaribagh district of Jharkhand state is immensely rich in biodiversity and ethno- medicinal information. Ethno medicinal survey was conducted during 2007 in wild life sanctuary of Hazaribagh. The ethno-medicinal plants used to cure different diseases are documented through this survey. Ethno-medicinal survey based on the exhaustive interview with local traditional herbal practitioners and other knowledgeable persons. 26 medicinal plants, used to cure 17 diseases are renorted in this paper.

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