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Change in the glycogen level of Heteropneustes fossilis is due to effect of stress

Sweety* and Mridula Renu Sinha
Department of Zoology, Magadh Mahila College, Patna University, Patna

Received 29th May, 2009 ; Revised 17th August, 2009

Abstract:- Fish and fish products today are one of the most rapidly expanding food industries because fish are low fat resources that are good replacement for fat rich red meat. Hence increased emphasis needs to be placed on the quality of fish produced and the efficiency of fish growth. The  fish undergo behavioral and physiological change when subjected to stress caused by temperature, salinity starvation and handling. The effect of these stressors were observed at regular intervals of 24, 48 and 96 hour. The muscle glycogen level was found to register moderate fall in its level at all the three stages of experimentation due to these stress factors.  The fall in muscle glycogen level the result of more utilization compared to supplementation. However , in the case of liver glycogen level some erratic changes were recorded when exposed to temperature stress.  Similar abnormality was registered under salinity, handling and starvation stressors. This  increase in liver glycogen and blood glucose is due to innovation of glycogenosis or due to initiation of gluconeogenesis.

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