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Amplification of cross species rat microsatellite loci in Wistar rats

Arti Gupta & Neelima Gupta *
Department of Animal Science, M.J.P. Rohilkhand University, Bareilly, (U.P.) India.
Received 25th December, 2008; revised 3rd July, 2009

Abstract : A total of randomly selected 50 Wistar (Rattus norvegicus) samples were used as tissue donor for this investigation to develop their applicability of cross species rat microsatellite markers in the genome of Wistar. We identified that out of ten microsatellite primers tested; four (40%) microsatellite primer pairs namely– Carboxypeptidase A (CPA), Catalase Liver (CAT), Gamma crystallin (CRYG) and Heme Oxygenase (HEOXG) could be amplified successfully with exact product size of 201 bps, 253 bps, 170 bps, 161 bps respectively in rat. The great adaptability and hardiness of rat have made it a suitable model for a variety of different types of research. Our results suggest that the above mentioned microsatellite primers get amplified successfully in Wistar rat and may satisfactorily be used for genetic characterization, evaluation, strain improvement and biomedical researches.


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