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Effect of Eichhornia leaf powder on Larval Mortality and emergence of Rhizopertha dominica (fab) infesting rice

Ravindra Kr. Sharma, O.P. Singh, Randhir Kumar & S.N.P. Singh
Entomology Research Laboratory,
B.R.A.B.U., Muzaffarpur-842001 (India)
Received 07th Dec. 2008, Revised 10th Feb. 2009

Abstract : A plant product Eichhornia leaf powder showed remarkable effect  on the  mortality,  survival   and   growth  of   R. dominica  in stored rice. To find the effect of Eichhronia leaf powder, on the larval development of R. dominica larvae were picked up after carefully breaking the grain with help of a soft brush. Ten Larvae were transferred to the glass tube of 6′ x 2′ sizes. Four doses (0. 5 g, 1g, 1.5g and 2 g) of leaf powder was used for such treatment. Simultaneously three replicates un-treated grain (rice) was established  as control. All experiments were carried out on equal degree of ventilation. The observation on larval development   was    quite  effective in reducing the number of larvae and delayed emergence.


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