Sudhir Vermaa, Pramod Kumar Pandeyb , Prasanjit Mukherjeec & Sudhanshu Kumar*c
aS.S. Memorial College,Ranchi,
bDepartment of Botany, Ranchi College ,Ranchi,
cDepartment of Botany, K.C.B. College, Bero.
Received 10th Feb. 2007; Revised 22nd Feb. 2007
Abstract: Ranchi is the largest district of Jharkhand state At is land of forest and hills.Tribals and other people residing in the area are dependent on forest produces besides agriculture.Many potherbs are consumed by the population of this area as nutritional suppliment. Most of them are growing as weed. Some of these potherbs are sold in the village markets either fresh or in dried state .Authors have surveyed these village markets with an aim to identify scientifically those potherbs and also to get information about their medicinal value .Present communication reports about only those potherbs which are aquatic in nature.
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