Mohammad Ali*, Arun Kumar, S K Srivastava & A Nath
Cell Biology and Toxicology Laboratory, Department of Zoology, Patna University, Patna.
Received 8th June 2006; Revised 10th July 2006
Abstract: Endosulfan, an organochlorine compound is widely used pesticides for controlling the pests. In order to achieve the better yield of crops., it is being used by farmers in India also. This pesticide has lead to various dysfunction of the body’s metabolic activities including reproductive health problems particularly in male.
In the present investigations 3 different doses (1mg, 2mg, 3mg / kg bow) have been given to the male mice. The mice were sacrificed on 7th, 14th & 28th days to observe sperm count and motility. Testes of control group of mice were also examined for the total count & motility of spermatozoa. After endosulfan treatment in Mus musculus the major changes found were loss of spermatozoa tail, reduction in number of sperm count and other abnormalities with the increase in the concentration of endosulfan.
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