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A study of correlation between different families and species of order coleoptera of a selected farmland area of Ranchi

Rashmi Srivastavaa*, Abha Prasada, Sunita Duttaa & Abhijit Duttab
a Department of Zoology Ranchi Women’s College ,Ranchi
b Department of Zoology Ranchi University, Ranchi

Received 10th Jan. 2007; Revised 19th Feb. 2007

Abstract : Coleoptera species were collected during the period of December 2001 – November 2002, from a conventionally farmed field, near Shalimar H.E.C. by different methods of catches. A total of six families with 17 species were collected. Correlation was calculated and the results indicated correlations between the families as well as species of this order, indicating that the abundance of the species is dependent on the food preferences in the various season.

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