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Impact of planting and harvesting dates on Infestation of Potato with cutworm Agrotis ipsilon (Hufn)

Manendra Kumar*
Department of Zoology, M.S.K.B. College Muzaffarpur, Bihar, India
Received : 9th December,2016 ; Revised : 20th February, 2017

Abstract : Potato is one of the world’s major noncereal food crop. It is an important food crop of India. It is grown in almost all states of India under very diverse conditions. In India, the major production area of potato (about 74%) is located in three states namely Bihar, U.P. and West Bengal. It is attacked by more than 100 Arthropod pests, of which about 80 have been reported in India. Out of various insect pests, potato cutworm. Agrotis ipsilon Hufn is very destructive in Bihar. Present investigation was carried out to study the impact of planting and harvesting dates on infestation of potato with Agrotis ipsilon. This was observed that there was minimum tuber damage in late planted and late harvested potato in treated and untreated plots.

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