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Enhancing productivity by integration of fish culture in Makhana ponds of North Bihar (India)#

Sushma Kumaria*& Satyendra Kumarb
aPG Department of Zoology, R N College, Hajipur, B.R.A.B.U ( Muzaffarpur) Bihar, India
bDepartment of Zoology, S N S College, Hajipur, B.R.A.B.U ( Muzaffarpur) Bihar, India
Received : 10th October, 2015; Revised : 5th January, 2017

Abstract : Gorgon Nut / Fox Nut (Euryale ferox) commonly known as Makhana is a popular crop amongst fishermen. Makhana is an aquatic nutritional, medicinal and organically grown crop in the wetland and ponds of 14 districts of North Bihar (India). The crop is generally grown as mono crop in the region and therefore the economic returns from the crop is not adequate. The available water bodies in which the Makhana is growth, fish can be successfully integrated, thereby enhancing the production of the pond as well as profitability of the fishermen. A systematic and scientific study to explore the integration of fish with Makhana was conducted in Darbhanga District in the farmers pond. For the purpose, a 10% refuge area was left vacant in the centre of the pond to enable fishes swift movement & breathing. Fingerlings of common carp was integrated in the pond in mid April when the Makhana was in early stage. Makhana was harvested in September. Approx fish weight of 500gm of common carp was harvested in late September and approx fish weight of 900gm in December. A total produce of 3.25/ha of Makhana and an addition 5qut/ha of fish was harvested, which fetched an average net profit of Rs. 50,000 per year in comparison to monocrop of Makhana. Farmers of Makhana got convinced and now encouraged to take up integrated fish cum Makhana culture on large scale for better profitability.

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