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Some common plant parasitic nematodes of Citrus plants from Manipur

I.Gyanesworia* & R.K.Gambhirb
a*Krishi Vigyan Kendra/FEEDS- Hengbung, Senapati District, Manipur -7951291, India.
bParasitology Section, Department of Life-Science, Manipur University, Canchipur- 795003, Manipur,India.
Received , 26th December, 2012 ;Revised: 24th January, 2013

Abstract :The present investigation deals with a systematic survey of plant nematodes of citrus plants collected from different localities of Manipur. Some of the collected nematodes belonging to Tylenchida are Helicotylenchus sp., Tylenchorhynchus sp., Scutellonema sp. and Psilenchus sp. Their detail descriptions of morphology, dimension, host range etc. are provided.

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