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Ecological study of sacred grove (Jaher) of Golpur village of Dumka district and its ethnobotanical significance

Joyena Marandia*, Prasanjit Mukherjeeb & Sutanu Lal Bondyaa
aUniversity Department of Botany, S. K. M. University, Dumka, Jharkhand, India
bDepartment of Botany, K.O.College, Gumla, Jharkhand, India
Received : 29th December, 2022 ; Revised : 29th January, 2023

Abstract– The present study was conducted among Santals, a tribe mostly centered in Santal Pargana, one of the five administrative division of Jharkhand to document their traditional knowledge of various plants and their association with Sacred groves which are ecological conservation reserves. Sacred groves popularly known as Jaher or Jaherthan by Santals are the traditional communal sites of in-situ conservation. A significant change has been noticed regarding its conservation in recent years. Field observation, secondary data and several interviews have been conducted with the prominent village people like Pradhan, the village head and Naeke, the village priest who carries out all religious rituals, and other elderly knowledgeable tribals to gather information. The socio-cultural activities associated with the Sacred groves and various ethnobotanical uses of important plants used by Santal tribe have been discussed in this paper.

Key words: Sacred groves, Dumka, Santals, Santal Pargana

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