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Spermatorrhoea disease and ethnomedicinal plants with reference to Simdega District of Jharkhand, India

Ashok Kumar Nag*
University Department of Botany, Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee University, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India
Received : 8th January, 2021 ; Revised : 9th February, 2021

AbstractSpermatorrhoea is a disease among males were White mucilage discharge with urine during early morning period, Pain in joints and muscles in lower portion of body, burning sensation in eyes is generally observed. A detailed survey identification work was carried by the author between 2016-2020 in ten blocks of Simdega district and 24 plants were identified along with their local name, Botanical name, Family and Plant parts used against Spermatorrhoea is described in the present paper.

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