Khushbu Kumaria, Dinesh Yadavb & Arun Kumara*
aUniversity Department of Zoology, B. N. M. University, Madhepura, Bihar, India
bDepartment of Zoology, T.P. College, B. N. M. University, Madhepura, Bihar, India
Received : 17th January, 2021 ; Revised : 15th February, 2021
Abstract– An attempt has been made to study the effects of hormones on dual mode of oxygen consumption in an air breathing snakehead fish, Channa punctata in this present investigation. The treatment of Hydrocortisone and Thyroxine in Channa punctata has showed increase in aquatic, aerial and total oxygen uptake. Adrenaline on the other hand showed a slight decrease in aquatic but an abrupt and higher decrease is seen in case of aerial and total oxygen uptake. Progesterone caused significant increase in aquatic but decrease in aerial and total oxygen uptake. Testosterone increased the aquatic and total oxygen uptake but decreased aerial oxygen uptake. The complete details are provided in this paper.
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