Md. Mansoor Alam*& N.K. Dubey
P.G. Department of Zoology, L.N. Mithila University, Darbhanga, Bihar, India
Received : 22nd April, 2020 ; Revised : 19th May, 2020
Abstract:- Parasites are small organisms distributed ubiquitously and are common cause of illness in aquatic animals including fish. They exist in equilibrium with their host body. Diplostomulum metacercaria are the major culprit for large scale death of aquatic animals. They are wide spread in fishes cultivated in oxygen deficient environment. In the present report we studied the effect of infestation of Diplostomulum infestation on endocrine organslike head, kidney and thyroid. We observed various symptoms like necrosis, fibrosis and other mechanical damages in the host body.
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