Rajesh Kumar Upadhyay*
Department of Zoology, Ramgarh College, Ramgarh, Jharkhand, India
Received : 28th February, 2020 ; Revised : 22nd March, 2020
Abstract : The pest Aulacophora atripennis F. is a serious pest of cucurbitaceous vegetable plants, it damage the stem, buds, flowers and the fruits of the plants of cucurbitaceous family. Its life cycle was completed on cucurbitaceous plants and the roots of creepers in the soil and old fallen leaves. It damage 60% of the plant leaves and sometimes the plant become leafless. On serious infestation the damage reach up to 100% and plant die. The quality and the quantity of the fruits also decline on minor infestation. The present paper deals with the life -history of Aulacophora atripennis F. on a new vegetable plant Cucurbita pepo in Ramgarh, Jharkhand, India. The life cycle was studied during the year 2018- 2020 at Ramgarh. During the study it was found that the life-history of pest was very complicated generally it completed 05 to 06 overlapping generations between March to October of a year. The beetles hibernate in cold season the period was November to February. After the warm season the beetle come out from hibernation. The female beetle laid eggs after mating in the moist soil near the host plant. The newly hatched grubs remains below the soil surface and they feeding on roots of the host plants, underground stems of the creeper and old leaves of the host plants fallen on the
ground. The pumpkin is the most favourable host plant for these beetles. The Pumpkin is a healthy and tastier vegetable, rich in carbohydrate, minerals and fibres. The pest damage the cultivated vegetable plants and loss not only the quality, quantity, and taste of the vegetables but also the profit of the farmers. Ramgarh is a beautiful district town, the rural area is known for agriculture and gross vegetable production, the climatic condition is moderate and suitable for vegetable production. The experimental pest is very difficult to control. The farmers are advised to control the pest by mechanical as well as by spraying carbaryl 0.1%, endosulphan 0.05%., endrin 0.04%.
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