Sushma Swaraj*
University Department of Zoology, B.N.Mandal University, Madhepura, Bihar, India
Received : 17th October, 2018 ; Revised :19th January, 2019
Abstract– A one year study was conducted from January-December 2018 to investigate the reproductive biology of Indian Climbing Perch in earthen pond. The female fish elucidates rounded, swollen abdomen and reddish pelvic fin while the male fish also possess a reddish pelvis fins but generally smaller, narrower. The surfaces of male’s pectoral were little rough during the breeding season. The Gonado-Somatic Index (GSI) value of female Anabas testudineus was ranged from 12.71±0.73 (July) to 1.13±0.10 (October) while Hepato-Somatic Index (HSI) value of female was ranged from 4.37±0.64 (January) to 1.58±0.19 (July). The GSI and HSI were inversely related with each other. The fecundity was counted from the month of April to July by using gravimetric method where absolute fecundity during April was 16832.80± 673.34 and during July was 46186.14±2219.15. The relationship between gonad weight and fecundity, body weight and fecundity showed strong positive relation with regression co-efficient of 0.9603 and 0.9265 respectively which indicate that with the increase of body and gonad weight, fecundity was also increased. Microscopic observation of matured female ovary during June to July revealed group asynchronous development. Microscopic observation on matured testes found spermatocytes, spermatids and spermatozoa stages during the month of June and July.
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