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Pawan Kumar Kushwaha
Assistant Professor
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
Cambridge Institute of Technology Ranchi, Jharkhand, INDIA.

Abstract : India has a vast supply of renewable energy resources, and it has one of the largest programs in the world for deploying renewable energy products and systems. Indeed, it is the only country in the world to have an exclusive ministry for renewable energy development, the Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Sources (MNES). Since its formation, the Ministry has launched one of the world’s largest and most ambitious programs on renewable energy. Based on various promotional efforts put in place by MNES, significant progress is being made in power generation from renewable energy sources. In October, MNES was renamed the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy. Specifically 3,700 MW are currently powered by renewable energy sources (3.5 percent of total installed capacity). This is projected to be 175,000 MW from renewable energy by 2022. The key drivers for renewable energy are the following:
1. The demand-supply gap, especially as population increases
2. A large untapped potential
3. Concern for the environment
4. The need to strengthen India’s energy security
5. Pressure on high-emission industry sectors from their shareholders
6. A viable solution for rural electrification

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