Chitra Sharmaa & Neeraja Ojhaa*
aDept. Of Botany, Gossner College, Ranchi University, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India Received : 2nd January, 2016; Revised : 28th February, 2016
Abstract : The Bignoniaceae family comprising of about 110 genera and 650 specks is a family of flowering plants, commonly known as the Trumpet Creeper Family, Jacaranda Family, Bignonia Family or the Catalpa family. Plant species belonging to this family are distributed worldwide, but most of them occur in the tropical and sub-tropical countries. Although the family is small, as only 12 genera and 20 species (H.H. Haines, 1921-1925) are found in Ranchi district, the Bignoniaceae plants are important for their reported bioactive constituents. Bignoniaecae family plants are also widely used in traditional medicinal systems of Ranchi district, where local medicinal practitioners use a number of species for treatment of diverse ailments. Folk medicinal practitioners form the first tier of primary health care in Ranchi. Accordingly, a survey was conducted among the traditional medicinal practitioners in different purls of Ranchi, which included kavirajes, vaidhyas, folk medicinal practitioners, etc. it was observed that these people use approximately five to seven bignoniaceae family plant species for treatment of ailments like cancer, snake bite, skin disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, hepatic disorders, epilepsy, cholera, pain, urinary problems, malaria, heart problems and sexually transmitted diseases. The species of Bignoniaceae family plants in use Tecoma stans, Jacaranda mimosifolia, Spathodea campanulata, Kigelia Africana and Bignonia capreolata.
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