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The transference of Mehrarhynchus species (Acanthocephala) to the genus Cleaveius is questionable? – a review

Anita Jhaa*, Anjana Premaa Vandana Khalkhob & Umapati Sahayc

a*Dept. of Zoology, Gardanibagh Girls College, Patna, Bihar, India
bMahila college, Chaibasa, Jharkhand.
cRetd. Univ. Prof., Head, Dept. of Zoology, and Dean Fac. of Sci., Ranchi University, Ranchi
Received , 15th December, 2012 ;Revised: 05th February, 2013

Abstract :The transference of the species belonging to the genus Mehrarhynchus to the genus Cleveius by Golvan (1959)1 and Bhattacharya (2007)2 is unwarranted. The authors have reasons to consider the genus Mehrarhynchus valid & supported by Yamaguti (1963)3, who considered genera Cleaveius & Mehrarhynchus separate with suitable scientific reasons. The authors have reasons to place M.manipurensis– a species under enquiry.

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