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Karyological investigation on Citrus aurantifolia Swingle, growing in Ranchi (Jharkhand)

Kamini Kumar & Jyoti Kumar
University Department of Botany, Ranchi University, Ranchi – 834001

Received 19th December, 2011; Revised 21st February, 2012

Abstract : Citrus aurantifolia Swingle commonly known as Kagzi Nimbu,  is a member of family Rutaceae. It grows commonly in Ranchi district of Jharkhand. A karyological study of this plant revealed that the diploid chromosome number        (2n = 18) of this plant has karyotypic formula with 2 median, 4 nearly median, 2 nearly submedian and one nearly subterminal chromosome. The total chromation length is 40.73µ.

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