Shailesh Sonia& K.R. Sahub*
aDepartment of Rural Technology & Social Development, Guru Ghasi Das University,Bilaspur C.G.
bDept. of Zoology, Govt.P.G.[Auto.] Science College Bilaspur C.G.
Received 22nd April, 2010; Revised 8th July, 2010
Abstract : Appropriate technology is technique that is appropriate to the environment and economic situation. It is intended for an appropriate technology, in this sense, typically requires fewer resources, as well as lower cost and less impact on the environment.
Indian sericulture is a old traditional occupation of the rural areas. Tasar culture, as low gestation & high returns make an ideal programme for weaker sections of the society.
A sizeable quantity [30%] of worms, lost during first instar when the tiny worms can not have grip on the leaves and very much vulnerable to natural hazards and attack of pest and predators.
An experimental study has been conducted that indicates indoor rearing can be safely extended beyond the first
moult. Tasar rearing till third instar by polythene bag method proved that it is more superior to the others two methods. And we can check crop losses during first to third instar. Hence we can incorporate this method and recommend to reares for better result.
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