Shailesh Sonya, K.R. Sahub* and S.Dewaganc
aDepartment of Rural Technology and Social Development Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya, Bilaspur [C.G]
bGovt. Auto. P.G. Science College, Bilaspur [C.G]
cJt. Collector Bilaspur district [C.G]
Received 5th June, 2009; Revised 30th August, 20099
Abstract: Silk is “Queen of textile”. Tasar silk is a high demand product and is being exploited for production of the longer and durability test silk since… tasar silkworm is wild in nature, is being subjected to influences of various environmental parameters and attacked by microorganisms[Virus, Bacteria, Fungus]. In tropical tasar silk, the crop loss due to bacteriosis is the tune of 10 – 15% . Tasar silkworm reveals three types of symptoms due to bacterial infections. Major diseases in the tasar culture is the crop issue due to silk worm disease in Chhattisgarh. In tasar culture nearly 35 to 40% crop loss occur due to diseases, which are of four types of virosis, bacteriosis mycosis and microsporidiosis.
A sample survey was conducted during first and second crop in Bilaspur division in the year 2007 to assess disease mortality. It was observed that bacteriosis caused major loss, vorosis and pebrine incidence was also observed in the tasar centre. A considerable extent of the loss of the tasar crop can be attributed to bacterial infection. It has been observed that during peak infection the larval mortality was about 15 – 35% in Bilaspur division. Incidence of diseases in the entire crop was observed but more in first crop.
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