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Mitotic anomalies induced by EMS and DES in Vicia faba (L.)

Satish Naraian Lal & Chandrashekhar Singh
Cytogenetics & Molecular Laboratory, Patna Science College, Patna – 800 005, India

Received 10th Jan. 2007; Revised 23rd Feb. 2007

Abstract: The effect of EMS and DES, a chemical mutagen on mitosis of Vicia faba (L.) root tips at varying concentrations of EMS- 0.05, 0.125 or 0.25 percent or DES- 0.25, 0.50 or 0.75 percent has been observed. The treated cells exihibited a gradual increase in the frequency of chromosomal abnormalities with the increase in concentration of the mutagen. Types of abnormalities observed in the treated cells were fragment, sauce-pan arrangement, non-orientation, star-metaphase, stickiness, bridges, laggards, unequal distribution, micronuclei, giant nuclei and binucleate cells. From this study, it is concluded that in each case maximum abnormalities were recorded at metaphase followed by anaphase.

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