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Phytochemical screening of primary and secondary metabolites in four species of Ipomoea (I.aquatica, I.batata, I.carnea, I.palmata)- an underutilized ethnomedicinal weeds of Jharkhand

Shweta Kashyap & Ladly Rani*
University Department of Botany, Ranchi University, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India
Received : 14th June, 2021 ; Revised : 15th July, 2021

Abstract– The present study deals the screening of primary and secondary metabolites in four underutilized weed species of Ipomoea (I.aquatica, I.batata, I.carnea, I.palmata). Screening was done in aqueous extract by using standard protocol. The result shows the presence of primary metabolites (carbohydrate and protein) in all the selected weed species. For screening of secondary metabolites test for saponin, tannin, phenol, glycoside, terpenoid, steroid and flavonoid was done. The result shows the presence of steroid, tannin, phenol, alkaloid and terpenoid in all the selected species. Saponin was highest in both I.palmata and I.carnea while flavonoids are absentin I.carnea. In I.batata
glycosides and saponin are absent and in I.aquatica all the screened phytochemicals were present. The process was doneto see the status of nutritional and therapeutic uses of these underutilized weed species.

Key words: Ipomoea, ethnomedicinal, underutilized, weeds, primary and secondary metabolites, screening.

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