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Ethnomedicinal plant of santhal communities at some villages of Sahibganj district in Jharkhand, India

Sanjay Kumar Hembrom* & Jyoti Kumar
University Department of Botany, Ranchi University, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India
Received : 25th November, 2017 ; Revised :27th December, 2017

Abstract : An ethnomedicinal survey (2016–2017) was conducted in five villages of Sahibganj district of, India. The Survey involved various steps like field study in which questionnaire was filled by the tribals and personal interview was organized, collection of plants specimen, preparation of herbarium and identification of plants with the help of flora were done. The methodology of the present work was adopted from some of the earlier workers like Jain (1987,1988)1,2 and Jain and Mudgal (1999)3. The herbal practitioners in the study area were interviewed and information on medicinal plants, their local names, habitat and their seasonal availability was collected. Information on medicinal plants with their parts used, mode of preparation and mode of administration were also carefully recorded. The survey revealed the utilization of 20 species of plants belonging to 13 families used to cure and treat different infectious and non-infectious diseases. The present study shows that the indigenous santhal communities have very good knowledge on the medicinal plants used for various ailments.

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