Kumari Neetua* & S.Besraa
a*Department of Zoology, Ranchi University, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India
Received : 13th December, 2016 ; Revised : 9th February, 2017
Abstract: – Studies on the nutritional value of crab have reported that crab is high in protein but low in fat contents. Present study deals with estimation of total tissue proteins of the leg muscle of the freshwater edible crab Sartoriana spinigera. The result showed the value of average percentage of protein concentration in leg muscle of freshwater crab S.spinigera (55.5-78.85 g) during summer season (20oC-26oC) was 14.31±3 mg/100mg and showed a positive correlation (b=0.39; r=0.96) between body weight and protein concentration whereas during winter season (15oC-18oC) was 8.66±1.2 mg/100mg and showed a positive correlation (b=0.1108; r=0.78) between body weight and protein concentration. The difference observed in protein concentration in summer season and winter season was statistically analysed and found significant at 1% level (p<0.01). Study revealed that S. spinigera provide a cheap source of protein and important means of livelihood for the indigenous tribal people of Jharkhand.
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