Nayni Saxenaa*
a*Department of Zoology, Marwari College, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India.
Received 16th June.,2014; Revised 25th July, 2014
Abstract : Relationship between changes in pineal gland weight and body weight of Indian palm squirrel, Funambulus pennanti were studied during April-August. High body weights were recorded between April – June .Body weight started decreasing from July onwards and was lowest in August. A decreasing trend in pineal weight was noted between April- June .Pineal gland weight was observed to be lowest in the month of June after which it started increasing and became maximum in August .A significant variation was observed in the body weight and pineal gland weight during the different months of the study(p< 0.001).A statistically significant negative correlation was noted between the pineal gland weight and body weight of the animal (p< 0.001).
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