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Alternative methods to predict the protein content of small indigenous fishes (SIFS) of Manipur

Kh. Shaya Devia* & M. Shomorendra Singha
*aFish disease and Biotechnology Research Laboratory,
Deptt.of Zoology, Thambal Marik College, Oinam-795134, Manipur (India)

Received 06th September,2012; Revised 30th November.,2012

Abstract : The objective of this study was to describe some specific methods suitably modified for measuring the main class of substance (protein) present in small Indigenous Fishes (SIFs) of Manipur. Description of the methods are preceded by more general information on the uses that can be made of compositional data, on sampling being analyzed, sample preparation and the accuracy of analysis. Some of the methods are simple and safe enough to be used by relatively inexperienced personnel while others that involve the use of strong acids or alkalis, high temperatures or organic solvents should not be tackled by inexperienced persons
Keywords: Small Indigenous Fishes (SIFs), methods, compositional data, sample preparation.


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