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Pharmacognostic and phytochemical investigation on Blumea membranacea DC. leaf

Aftab Alam Khana  & Kiran Shuklab
aDepartment of Botany, Karim City College, Jamshedpur.
bDepartment of Botany, G. S. College for Women, Jamshedpur
Received 3rd May, 2011  Revised 13 August, 2011.

Abstract : Various traditional systems of medicine have enlightened the importance of the leaf of Blumea membranacea DC. (Asteraceae) for its medicinal value. The present study was aimed at pharmacognostic and preliminary phytochemical evaluation of the crude drug. The dried leaf powder was subjected to successive soxhlet extraction. The extracts were subjected to primary phytochemical screening to detect the chemical principals viz. glycosides, reducing sugar, tannins, alkaloids, terpenes, sterols, protein, lipid, saponin and flavinoid.


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