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Assessment of nutrient quality status by interrelationship between Physical traits macronutrients of agricultural land in Baliapur, Dhanbad, Jharkhand

Sonam Bhartia*, Lal Bihari Singhb & Adarsh Kumar Srivastavac
aUniversity Department Environmental Science and Disaster Management, BBMK University, Dhanbad, Jharkhand, India
bUniversity Department of Zoology, BBMK University, Dhanbad, Jharkhand, India
cKrishi Vigyan Kendra Bokaro, Jharkhand, India

Received : 04th January, 2024 ; Revised :31st January, 2024

Abstract– To analyse physical and macronutrient factors of agricultural soil to help farmers determine crops for better yield. Mrida Parikshak conducted the analysis of the soil sample, organic carbon estimated by Walkley and Black organic carbon method. The recorded mean soil pH 5.66 indicates acidic nature. The average organic carbon content 0.2734% falls within low range on soil fertility standards. The average value of available Nitrogen is 118 kg/ha-1, Phosphorus 17.260 kg ha-1, Potassium 117.63 kg ha-1 and Sulphur 51.62 mg/kg. Corn, oats, barley, and potatoes favour pH ranges between 5.5 and 6.5. Relatively low organic carbon content suggests a potential need for organic matter amendments to improve crop fertility and long-term sustainability. Positive relationship implies that higher organic carbon levels enhance nitrogen availability, supporting plant growth and productivity. Positive correlation of available sulphur with nitrogen and potassium indicates potential synergistic effects or co-occurrence of these nutrients, for beneficial crop nutrient uptake and soil fertility management. Available phosphorus and potassium show negative relationship implying competitive interactions making nutrient management crucial to optimize crop yield potential, avoiding deficiencies. Negative correlation between available phosphorus and sulphur suggests potential antagonistic effects that may influence nutrient availability for plant uptake.

Key words: Crop selection, Macronutrient, Nutrient analysis, Physical properties and Their co-relationship

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