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Sodium arsenite induced toxicity and its impact on morphology and behaviour of snake head fish Channa punctatus under laboratory condition

Khushboo Priyaa*, D. S. Rubya & Anjali Singhb
aDepartment of Zoology, B.S. College, Danapur, Patliputra University, Patna, Bihar, India
bInstitute for Innovative Research, Digha Nahar Road, Patna, Bihar, India

Received : 10th December, 2023 ; Revised : 17th January, 2024

Abstract– Inorganic arsenic of geological origin is found in ground water used as drinking-water in several parts of our state as well as country. Arsenic is being used in various industries and for agriculture and excessive arsenic find its way into lakes, ponds and rivers. Fishes are an ideal organism to work within toxicological studies. Fish absorbs dissolved or available metals and therefore can serve as indicator of metal pollution. The objectives of present work were to examine the acute toxicological effect and changes caused by a heavy metal arsenic in the form of sodium arsenite (NaAsO2) in Channa punctatus for 96 hrs exposure at different concentration viz. 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 mg/L of water under laboratory conditions. The average weight of fishes were 55-60 gm and average length were 14-16 cm. The fishes were monitored 24 hrs for any alteration in morphological changes, behavioural responses, and mortality. The results showed that the mortality rate is lowest at concentration of 20 mg/L and no any marked behavioural changes has been recorded. But at the dose of 40 mg/L, 60 mg/L and 80 mg/L of sodium arsenite exposure, fishes showed morphological changes as well as behavioural changes. Major morphological changes were observed on skin resulting depigmentation of skin, muscular bleeding and shedding of scales. 100% mortality was recorded at the concentration of 100 mg/L. The result revealed that 50% mortality was recorded at 41.26 mg/L in 96 hrs of exposure. Therefore, LC50 of sodium arsenite for Channa punctatus was found to be 41.26 mg/L as per probit analysis.

Key words: Channa punctatus, sodium arsenite, mortality, behaviour, morphology, 96-hr LC50.

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