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Strategies for improving tasar (Kuchai) silk industry in the state of Jharkhand: Need for improving the working conditions of the artisans associated with reeling of cocoons and weaving

Shashi Naga*, Manju Kumaria & Ashok Kumar Nagb
aUniversity Department of Home Science, Ranchi University, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India
bUniversity Department of Botany, D.S.P.M.University, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India
Received : 11th February, 2020 ; Revised : 26th February, 2020

Abstract : During a study on ‘apparel for youth based on contemporary design on core with Tasar (Kuchai) silk of Jharkhand’, information from the artisans involved in reeling the silk thread from the cocoon and the weavers of fabric for production of apparel at the capital city, Ranchi of the Jharkhand State were collected with the help of written questionnaire as well as by personal interviews. The purpose of such an investigation was to obtain the free and unbiased, but confidential opinion of the artisans with regard to their working conditions and their views regarding the steps which are required to improve better production as well as their job satisfaction. More supply of quality cocoons for reeling; improvement in the machines and continuous supply of electricity for weaving, regular disbursement of the proper wages/honorarium to the workers are the main hurdles for quality and quantity production. Such a research finding needs attention of the higher officials of the Tasar Industry in Jharkhand state for improvement of the Industry.

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