Ekta Goyala & Devendra K. Jaina*
*aImmunocytochem. Lab., Dept. of Zoology, Bareilly College, Bareilly – 243005,U.P., India
Received 19th June.,2012; Revised:18th August, 2012
Abstract : Investigation was carried out on the ICC-localization of gastrointestinal regulatory hormone/ peptide secretory cells in pyloric stomach of certain reptilian Varanus monitor lizard and mammalian Canis familiaris dog species. Four different antibodies (Abs) to: gastrin; somatostatin and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) were used to incubate antral tissue sections on slides. ICC Unlabeled antibody, peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) biotech procedure was performed (Sternberger,1979)6 Anti-R-? Ig was used as sec. Ab. DABTH (in H2O2O.001%) was used as Immunogen, yield reddish brown colour.
Three types of typical endocrine (gastrin-cells); paroacrine (somatostatin (D); cells; and neurocrine cells (BN/GRP); and vasoactive-intestinal polypeptide (VIP) were identified; more number of gastrin-cells showed higher secretory activity of gastrin (regulate the secretion of gastrin juices pepsin and gastric acid). Bigger size of D-cells with cytoplasmic process showed its paracrine mode of action/inhibitor of gastrin and gastric acid secretion. Neurocrine GRP peptide were seen close to gastrin-cells (stimulant of gastrin). Neurocrine VIP were identified in and around the glandular lobules (secretory); in smooth circular muscles (modulator) and around the blood vessels (vasodilator) acts as neurotransmitter. Thus the advanced PAP tech. may be useful in histopathological diagnosis and ulcerative tumor surgery.
Key words: Gastrin, Somatostatin, BN/GRP and VIP Hormone/peptides.
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