P. Nayan*, R. N. Prasad, S.Paul & S. Besra
Department of Zoology, Ranchi College, Ranchi, Jharkhand
Received 5th January, 2010; Revised 2nd March, 2010
Abstract : It is the fact that freshwater crabs Sartoriana spinigera provides a cheap source of protein and important means of livelihood for the indigenous tribal people of Ranchi, Jharkhand area. They have nutritious as well as medicinal importance. Harvesting of these crabs is done in large scale in the rainy season form paddy fields, ponds, lakes, wetlands, waterfalls and rivers of Jharkhand. Glucose is the principal monosaccharide present in haemolymph of crusteacea, which plays important role in synthesis of polysaccharide, synthesis of citin, synthesis of ribose NADPH (reduced) and synthesis of glycogen. It is important to study the concentration of glucose in freshwater crab which is rich source of protein and minerals.
Haemolymph plays an important role in carbohydrate metabolism. Several internal factors such as molting stage, growth, sex and hormones, as well as exogenous supply of carbohydrate cause variations. There is also synthesis of glucose from other sources such as amino acids. Gill tissue is also capable of gluconeogenesis. It is also important because it is building block for polysaccharide and a fuel for haemocytes.
In this present dissertation it has been observed that average plasma glucose level in male crab (88.2 – 13.44 g) is 9.16 ±3.0962 mg/dL and in female (57.3 – 30.88 g) the glucose level was significantly lower 5.68 ± 2.32 mg /dL. In male as the body weight increased glucose concentration also increased with a slope of ( b= 0.105, r=0.8265) but in female there was no significant relationship between body weight and plasma glucose concentration. The difference observed in concentration of glucose level in male and female crab has been discussed.
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