Kamini Kumar* & Raffat Parween University Department of Botany, Ranchi University. Ranchi – 834001 Jharkhand, India Received 6th July, 2008; Revised 28th August, 2008 Abstract : Germination studies were conducted…
Ranjeet Kumar Ranjana, Ishwari Prasad Guptab, H.P. Sharmac & Santosh Kr. Sinhad aResearch Scholar bDepartment of Botany, Ranchi College, Ranchi cUniversity Department of Botany, Ranchi University, Ranchi d Research Scholar…
Dhiraj Kumar Mishra* Faculty, P.G. Deptt. of Law, Ranchi College, Ranchi Received 12th June, 2008 ; Revised 27th August, 2008 Abstract : Environment protection is an anxiety of everyone and…